Welcome to Ripe Age Consultants

Public Revenue & Tax Support Service

Accelerated Revenue Generation Programme (ARGP) for state and taxation.  This computer based revolutionary programme covers the whole range of Public Revenue and Tax Support Services, including:

  1. Computer Aided Enumeration of Tax Payers.
  2. Production of Comprehensive Computerized Master Register of Tax Payers covering individuals, businesses, corporate organizations, land holdings, properties, etc.
  3. Direct Bank Lodgement System (DBLS)
  4. Review of Tax Rates
  5. Identification of New Taxes and Tax Sources (Expansions of Tax Base)
  6. Statutory Tax Audit, Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement of Collection.
  7. Designing Organization Structure for Tax Administration.
  8. Computerization of all the accounting and information systems required for efficient and effective Tax Assessment, Review, Verification, Monitoring and Collection.
  9. Staff Training in all the foregoing aspects of Tax Administration.
  10. Advising on the infrastructural and logistic requirements (including the Review of Relevant Laws) for effective Tax Administration.
  11. Organizing Seminars for individual and corporate Tax Payers on all aspects of Tax Systems in operation and their role in effective implementation.
  12. Our ARGP covers all classes of Tax and Public Revenue including the following:
  •  Personal Income Tax/PAYE
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Petroleum Profit Tax
  • Education Tax
  • Withholding Tax
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Land & Property Tax
  • Business Premises Registration Fees
  • Ministerial Revenue, Fees, Fines, Rates etc
  • Motor Vehicle Registration Fees and Fines

Over the years, we have developed highly effective strategies and methods for optimizing taxes, executing innovative tax planning to ensure consistent compliance.

  • Our PhilosophyOur focus is to improve our clients’ business performance through the application of strategic management philosophy, work methodology and approach to the enterprise planning process.
  • BillingsOur Professional Fee estimates are based on the complexity and Scope of assignments and accordingly on the skill and experience of staff involved.

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