Accelerated Revenue Generation Programme (ARGP) for state and taxation. This computer based revolutionary programme covers the whole range of Public Revenue and Tax Support Services, including:
- Computer Aided Enumeration of Tax Payers.
- Production of Comprehensive Computerized Master Register of Tax Payers covering individuals, businesses, corporate organizations, land holdings, properties, etc.
- Direct Bank Lodgement System (DBLS)
- Review of Tax Rates
- Identification of New Taxes and Tax Sources (Expansions of Tax Base)
- Statutory Tax Audit, Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement of Collection.
- Designing Organization Structure for Tax Administration.
- Computerization of all the accounting and information systems required for efficient and effective Tax Assessment, Review, Verification, Monitoring and Collection.
- Staff Training in all the foregoing aspects of Tax Administration.
- Advising on the infrastructural and logistic requirements (including the Review of Relevant Laws) for effective Tax Administration.
- Organizing Seminars for individual and corporate Tax Payers on all aspects of Tax Systems in operation and their role in effective implementation.
- Our ARGP covers all classes of Tax and Public Revenue including the following:
- Personal Income Tax/PAYE
- Corporate Income Tax
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Petroleum Profit Tax
- Education Tax
- Withholding Tax
- Capital Gains Tax
- Land & Property Tax
- Business Premises Registration Fees
- Ministerial Revenue, Fees, Fines, Rates etc
- Motor Vehicle Registration Fees and Fines
Over the years, we have developed highly effective strategies and methods for optimizing taxes, executing innovative tax planning to ensure consistent compliance.
- Our PhilosophyOur focus is to improve our clients’ business performance through the application of strategic management philosophy, work methodology and approach to the enterprise planning process.
- BillingsOur Professional Fee estimates are based on the complexity and Scope of assignments and accordingly on the skill and experience of staff involved.